Starting last year, I edited a back to school picture to include some information...nothing too fancy, but it's nice to have a little reminder and to compare from year to year. This year I somehow edited the picture into a strange size, so I'm not sure it will print easily...and I might have to remake it.
This guy is getting so big, so fast!
Here are a few pictures from our little photo session:
Oddly enough, the "pack pack" was what helped him decide he WANTED to go back to school. It came in the mail last Friday and he asked every day if it was school yet...who knew!?
Of course enjoying a pb+j for lunch...
Brothers <3 p="">
Thankfully, my husband was able to come home at lunch and see our big buy off...and he offered to snap a shot with me in it!! {that rarely ever happens!}
Here he is as we dropped him off...someday there will be there is just caution tape and lots of dirt!
Walking in:
Waiting his turn to hand his teacher a back to school gift:
And here is what I made for the back to school gift:
I purchased a water bottle on sale at Old Navy (of all places...) I added a banner {KG Flavor and Frames font} and the teacher's initial {century gothic} using outdoor vinyl cut with my Silhouette. I used an adorable printable I found on pinterest, and printed off on card stock. About an hour before school, I ran to Walmart and picked up a variety of single serve drink mixes (the little packets that you just add water) and included them inside of the cup. Really, really easy. 3>
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