I'm generally wondering if I've completely lost my mind. I'm exhausted and just barely hanging on. I'm in my mid-30s and struggling with the fact that I'm getting older, and that I may be getting wrinkles.
I'm the mom of three children; two boys followed by a girl. I've been raising children for almost 8 years now, and I'm basically just hoping I can keep everyone alive and thriving. Some days (okay, most days) it's a challenge.
My peeps:
My firstborn, Mason, turned 12 in March. He's not as young and spry as he used to be, but he's always hopefully optimistic and is an A+ snuggler (regardless if you want to be snuggled!) His human siblings are 8, 5, and 1 1/2 and he has welcomed each child into our family with open arms (he loves when they learn to feed themselves!)
I just celebrated TEN years of marriage with Chris, my better half. He's an Army veteran turned engineer, is completely car obsessed, and is a great dad + husband.
I started this blog as a way of keeping track of what I was creating, and as of lately, I've fallen off the wagon. I'm still creative and try to do something to keep me sane every day...usually crafts keep me sane, sometimes it's just a really delicious meal, or sewing, building, or deciding to repaint my bedroom on a whim. I usually just go with it...so welcome! It's nice to meet you!
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