The plans I used from were really awesome. I did make my table base only about 12" wide. I also made the top differently; cutting the staggered scraps of 2x4 and 2x6" wood at a 45 degree angle, and using 1x2" around as trim.
Here is a better picture of the top. The top was definitely the most challenging parts of the project because I was using up scraps from our wood pile. It went together really easily until ONE piece of 2x6 was a little wide and caused the rest of the table not to line up. I ended up having to taking the top of the table apart and then join two pieces together (see in the top row, 3rd from the left!!) I used a mixture of kreg drill + screws, and nail gun, nailing the tips of the boards together.
The stain color is Kona. I'll have to dig out pictures from the original stain--vinegar and steel wool. It looks like it had been attacked by a pumpkin.
And here is the table decorated for Halloween:

Oh, and while I'm at it, here's the flowers decorated for fall/Halloween:

I previously shared my fall wreath. Here is the wreath decorated for Halloween:

Just a lone spooky skeleton:

Now we are ALL ready for Halloween. I mean, except for Halloween costumes!
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