This past weekend, my family travelled back to Northern VA, for our second weekend in a row...we visited with my brother & sister in law again...and my hubby ran the Army Ten Miler. The first time I ever attended a running race was a few years back when my college roommate/bestie ran the NY City Marathon. I found myself very emotional...really holding back tears. I don't know my inability to run makes me feel pride, or envy, or what, but I find that I end up holding back tears whenever I see runners doing their thing...and at the Army Ten Miler, it was only that much MORE emotional because seeing amputees completing the bike race, and runners missing limbs, was such a humbling reminder of other people's struggle. Seriously, what do I have to complain about?! So in all, it was an amazing day. I do wish I had taken more pictures, because really the day WAS so special, and I just don't want to forget that.
I ended up taking almost NO pictures, thankfully my uncle was there, and he snapped this picture: I'm wearing my youngest, my husband is carrying my oldest--who kept asking to run in the race--it was difficult to explain why he couldn't. Also pictured is our friends Abby & Ann, who both completed the 10 miler. Abby introduced my husband & I {thanks Abby!} Abby's Mom, Ann, actually took care of my brother {very randomly} after he had been injured in Iraq. Ann is a nurse like my mom, and I suppose our families just have a very strange, rock solid, bond. It's really an amazing & special thing. So it was great to catch up and to see some familiar faces {there were like 30,000 people running, so there were TONS of people everywhere.}
Speaking of nurses, I feel like I have to mention that today my amazing mother is being recognized as Employee of the Year. She's an extremely hard worker, a very dedicated nurse, and really just a great human being, so I am very proud of her. I know it annoys her to be called out and recognized, but at the same hand, I know that it's also well deserved. She's pretty amazing. Way to go, Mom!
Today was school picture day at my kid's school. Holy cuteness. I didn't catch any good pictures before school, but when we came home the weather was perfect, so while I cleaned out my new car a little, the boys played in the leaves.
This guy turned 4 yesterday. I guess I am coming to terms with the fact that he's not a baby anymore.
I love when I say "smile" he makes this unnatural. {but cute.}
And while I wish I had captured a really great picture of both boys, Callum accidentally caused Cole to trip, and hit his head:
It looked terrible, but I suppose it seemed to improve pretty quickly. Poor, poor guy.
So now it's back to reality. Unpacking. Laundry. Cleaning. complaints here.
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