Thank You Veterans!

I hate to say "Happy Veteran's Day." It just seems like "happy" doesn't fit...especially when referencing Veterans who have been to war and who have been killed or wounded. I recognize fully the importance of our military and the importance and willingness of the men & women who willingly 
volunteer to potentially make the ultimate sacrifice. And that's why I prefer to say Thank You Veterans, today and EVERY day!

I am blessed to have so many Veterans in my life. I could begin to list each and every of the "finest" Americans I know, but I know that I would forget, thank you, each and every one of you. I am so lucky to know you. I am inspired by your patriotism and bravery. 

Here are some Veterans I know...{I have to note, I know I have more pictures & better pictures, but when the hard drive on the computer died I lost a lot--like my wedding pictures?!...I still haven't dealt fully with that mess!}

My dear, sweet husband {this is about 3? years ago at the Twilight Tattoo in Washington, DC}

This is my big brother on the day after his son was born. After finishing West Point and entering the Army, he was wounded in Iraq in 2003. (Actually now that I think of it, he was wounded the Friday before Thanksgiving, so his anniversary is coming up.) That horrible day changed the trajectory of his life, and ultimately my life as well. Because of the exceptional medical treatment he received, he decided to go to medical school and become an Army doctor. {I met my husband, indirectly because of his hospital stay in Germany.} After recovering, my brother went through the painful process of taking pre-requisite courses and then ultimately attended, and finished medical school. He is now a Family Practice Doctor at an Army Hospital. 

My husband, my baby cousin DeAnna, who isn't much of a baby anymore. {This is the day of her graduation from West Point. Such an amazing day!} DeAnna follows in the footsteps of her father, my Uncle Jimmy {who served in the Army in the early 80s} and her big brother, my cousin Christopher, who served around 2000. My Uncle Bob also served in the Army in Korea, back in the day. My Uncle Ed served in the Marine Corps in Vietnam.

I should add that my husband's father, I believe both grandfathers, and brother are also Veterans. Although I do have wedding pictures on a DVD somewhere, but not on my computer, my father-in-law served in the Army for 30 years. My brother-in-law is currently serving in the Air Force.

This is my bestie, visiting her Grandfather (I think?) who is buried at Arlington. {My husband was working at Arlington at the time, so we figured it was a perfect time to stop by.} Her DeDa (her other grandfather) who is still going strong served at Iwo Jima.

And I would be remiss to add that I have SO MANY FRIENDS who are Veterans. From friends who I went to school with, to friends that I met while my husband was serving, I couldn't count all of the friends I have that serve on all of my fingers and toes...and although I know today is about the Veterans, I also say Thank You to those who support service members...the wives, husbands, moms and dads, siblings, girlfriends and boyfriends, and friends. Our nation would not be as amazing without Veterans and the people that have their backs...

This is the Old Guard at a Twilight Tattoo. My husband is up front, although it's hard to tell...

This is the Old Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

 So Thank You Veterans, today and always!

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