
As I've previously mentioned, I wasn't 100% about potty training my son, but he's taken charge and has done surprisingly well potty training. I'd heard that a perk of using cloth diapers is the potential for early potty training (so maybe dealing with all those stinky diapers HAS paid off!) but without him talking I really did not want to push the issue and set him up for failure.

He's been really great about peeing in the potty, but it seems like over the past 3 weeks (or so) he completely stopped going #2 during waking hours. He's even woken up from a sleep at night having a soiled diaper (very unlike him!) And one day recently, we had an errant poopy situation while he was playing in my coat closet. {Does someone just prefer some privacy?} Today, for the first time he surprised me with a #2--and believe me--after this, I think he's #1!!!

Oddly enough, I had stepped into the shower and he was off playing in my bedroom (potentially risky, I know) and all of the sudden he was looking in at me babbling like crazy-I thought I caught a "booBoo" in there, and then wham-the smell smacked me in the face. My first reaction was OH NO WHERE? and my second reaction was WHERE ARE THE DOGS? I WILL GO CRAZY IF THEY EAT IT! To my surprise, this little package was perfectly placed in his little potty. I was able to close the lid from in the shower and offer a series of squeals, way to go's, and high 5s! After the shower I even gave him a race car (Tin Top from his favorite show Roary the Racing Car.) Hopefully this is the start of the next level of potty training. We've even ventured out in public with no diaper on. Now thankfully, we're only using 1-2 diapers a day (at nap time, and overnight!)

So, I've been totally MIA this week, I know. I promise, I have been doing stuff {although one afternoon I will admit I had a DVR Marathon and caught up on my favorite Bravo shows!} I have so many gifts that need to be given, and once they are, I promise I'll have something to share. But in the meantime, happy Spring! Only 5 weeks until d-day! Yikes!
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