White House Sign {Tutorial}

As I shared with you in my last post, I made a special sign for my friend's wedding: 

I just love how it turned out and it was SO easy to make! 

Here's how: 

1) I painted a board I had leftover from another project. Mine was a 1"x4" (I think) and I trimmed it to be about 18" long. 

 2) After painting and allowing ample time for drying, distress the edges:

3) Once it's well distressed (I sanded all of the sides, hitting the edges a little extra) carefully mark your center point of the board.

4) Use the midpoint to lay out your stencil. You can do this numerous ways. I used my Silhouette SD to cut out the letters and then a pencil to trace onto the board. You can also just print your design onto computer paper, and then use a pencil on the backside of the paper to create your own "tracing paper."

My stencil was in two pieces, so I just taped them together and then taped them onto the board. 

(I just used a pencil to write directly onto the painted board, it was faint, but easy enough to see.)

5) Use a paint pen (or paintbrush/paint) to fill in your letters. I used a "Sharpie Paint" White Fine Point/Oil Based Opaque Paint Marker that I found at Michaels. Just be sure to have a spare piece of paper/magazine to wipe off excess paint with.

Again, here is the final product:

Simple, cost almost nothing, and a perfect keepsake for a wedding!
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