I'm ready for the weekend. I saw the temperature on my car thermometer hit 60 degrees today and now I'm one happy lady. Maybe we'll even be able to go for a hike this weekend!

I finally cleaned off my desk yesterday. That means I've moved the huge pile that was on top of my desk to a pile on my kitchen counter, that will eventually make it's way upstairs to be filed (there has to be a better way!)

So, I wish you a very happy Friday. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

And on that note I'll share with you this adorable hat I've knit for #2:

Even though it'll be a late May baby, I figure I'll still want to keep it's little head warm (or if nothing else get a few cute pictures!) 

It was so quick and easy that I was able to finish almost the entire thing last weekend on the car ride TO Philadelphia! 
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