Photo Wall

So, earlier I shared with you my little family organization "center" located on a very barren section on wall in my kitchen. Remember how I said we might be moving? Of course I can't just use my time wisely (and do something helpful like clean off my desk, or make dinner) instead I decided to create a photo collage on my wall with random frames that I had.

I scoured my bookshelves and even pulled a couple pictures that I've been meaning to frame to display for some time now, to create this photo wall/collage:

I think the wall needs something ELSE, I'm just not sure WHAT. Maybe some Silhouette Vinyl? Hmm.

I need to use my time more wisely. I swear, I'm going to go clean off my desk, right now!
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1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!!! I've been wanting to do something like this! I may attempt it at our next house in Leavenworth!!! I think some Silhouette writing would be great! Maybe a nice script "Family" or "Blessings"....????

    Looks marvelous!!


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