Crafting with a toddler

seems to be as difficult as writing a blog with a toddler in my lap!

I saw this adorable project idea from Full of Great Ideas and decided EVEN with a big snow storm, I had to run out to buy some white and green paint so I could make this with my son today!

Of course, great idea mom, he'll probably be traumatized for life now...I successfully painted his feet, which will eventually be snowmen, but I basically had a screaming, crying, very upset child who didn't care how cute these little snowmen are....they might end up as snowmen minus the just can't win them all, right?!

I scored an amazing deal ($16.99) for a laminator on Amazon the other day, now I have to come up with some great ideas and maybe some games for my son....I'm so excited for the laminator, I can't wait to break it out!
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