Added decor

I had seen this post a while back, and I believe I've told you about my LOVE LOVE LOVE for Sausha. I love her house, love her style, love her decor...I think I've even said I want to live in her house...

She inspired me to upgrade my laundry room. Aside from the amazing cabinet for UNDER the washer/dryer, she had this amazing ladder and an old door that her brother gave her. She describes it in the post about her laundry room, but ultimately, I loved the old door and decided I needed to have one. SO, back during the warm summer months I decided to tackle the project myself (with some help from my amazing hubby.)

With a little fake distressing (thanks to a hammer/saw, etc.)  the boards I purchased at Lowes looked "older" and then I added a little whitewash and I think it looks pretty good (not as good as Sausha's) but, it makes me happy. I decided to hang it in my living room on one of the HUGE walls. I used 1" by 4" I think 48" long boards, although Sausha's door looks like it's much wider planks...either way, not bad, and probably cost less than $10 to make a copy!

Love the hotdog on the tv...and ask you can see I finally framed/hung the burlap silhouettes. 

Here is a good view of the distressing. 
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