In case you didn't know: I do custom work....I'm lucky to have lots of wonderful friends...and lately they've been thinking of me when they need to give a gift. So, I'll be making a few things that I hope to share with you in the next couple of weeks...if you are in need of something personalized or a one of a kind gift, let me know, leave a comment, and we can talk details...
I was lucky enough to start a collage birth announcement for a friend yesterday, but alas, nap time wasn't enough time to finish, so I worked a little on it's much closer to being done. But we just hit a snag with the new baby's name, it looks like the parents have thrown in a hidden middle name. Once we figure out the mystery middle name, I should have the project finished & able to share.
I also started working on sewing a cover for my sewing ended up taking much longer than it should have. Hopefully I will finish tomorrow during nap time, and possibly I'll share pictures once it's all ready. I saw the idea for a quilted cover on the Sew, Mama, Sew blog, so I changed it up a little. I'm excited to share it with you!
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