One of the big decisions that I ended up making in 2018 was finally getting a new computer. I had a computer that was 8 years old, it was limping along and was just terrible. SOOOO slow. Very frustrating. And finally one day, I just did it, I actually ordered the new computer from my iPhone!
Simultaneously, my iCloud storage reached 200 GB capacity. I was already paying $2.99 a month for the added storage. I wasn't making the time to manage my digital life. I also had about 55,000 pictures saved on my iCloud...that's pretty much EVERY picture taken since 2006!
In anticipation of switching computers, I had purchased an external hard drive (4TB for those who may care) and started the process of transferring photos into files on this external drive. My husband thought I should just carry everything from my old computer over, but I didn't want to bog down a new system with all the old junk. I want to start fresh...but with all my fonts (2,000+!) and access to my pictures if I want them!
I spent hours deleting photos from my phone. I still have to finish a few years worth of photos, but my phone is able to do updates (about 60 GB is available now!)
What is your process for managing your digital life--particularly photos? I was pleasantly surprised that all of the photos appear to be showing up in my Photo app on my computer, I assumed they were all linked to the cloud and once I deleted from the phone, they'd disappear from the computer. The cloud still baffles me--does that make me old?
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