I think I've lived in my house long enough to live in it as it was unpacked, but now I'm seeing where I'd like the changes to happen. This was one of those areas...
I had three sewing machines, all on different surfaces. It was was NOT working. {First world problems!?} It was challenging to find a place to quilt, especially because my dining room table was taken by the moving company to repair damage from our last move and they had it for two months.
My husband had to go out of town for work and we had some unseasonably warm weather...perfect for building a new table!
After doing some research, I ended up deciding to construct the Narrow Farmhouse Table by Ana White. It only took a few hours to build...I used my kreg jig + some hidden screws, but it definitely could be constructed other ways. I made my table 1' shorter and my 1x8 boards on the top only measured 7.25" wide, so the table was 29" wide, the height of the table was not changed.
It was unbelievable how quickly this table came together. I dropped by son off at Pre-School at 1pm, headed directly to Lowes, picked up the materials + had some of the wood cut to size (so it would fit inside my Prius!) and was on my way home by 1:40pm. By the time I had to pick up my son at 3:45pm, I had the entire lower portion of the table cut, sanded, and constructed. I put my tools away and worked for maybe an hour assembling the table top supports. I called it a night and the following
day I constructed the table top, and joined it to the base.
Did I mention it only cost $90, including stain + screws, which I have a TON leftover!
Here is my assistant showing our handy work of just two days!!!

And after some staining on the 3rd day, I was seriously in shock how quickly this table came together. {I can't imagine buying a table ever again knowing how cheap and easy it was to build this!}

Here is the table immediately after my husband and I brought it into the house:
**I should warn you, be certain to wipe the excess stain off the bottom of the table legs {womp-wah!} AND GooGone takes off wet stain from hardwood floors!
Now, all three sewing machines can fit on one table. While quilting, I can easily store the other machines underneath the table. I would still like to do something with these wires, possibly mount the power strip under the table...
And here is a terrible iPhone picture, but you can at least see the entire table.

Hard to believe this only took three afternoons to make and for only $90!
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