I had been seeing cute countdown calendars all over the place and decided to make my own version for my sister in law for Christmas.
I started by cutting down a section of 1x6 wood to about 20" long. Then lightly sanded the edges.
I sprayed the center portion of the board with beige spray paint and left it to dry overnight.
Using my silhouette machine, I cut the "days until" vinyl and once the board with the white spray paint was dry, I applied the vinyl. I covered that with chalkboard paint that I have easily had for 10 years. Nothing that a little stir wasn't able to fix...
Once the chalk paint was applied and starting to dry, but not all the way dry, I peeled off the vinyl....I added hanging brackets on the back side. And wrapped it with a Starbucks giftcard, because lets face it, every mom needs a special coffee treat once in a while...
I think that's the end of my handmade Christmas gifts...
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