This week my husband was away with work, so I figured I should do something else creative...I'd been thinking of doing some sort of stencil in my bathroom, or even possibly stripes...yesterday, I decided on stripes. It was SUCH an easy update. It took about an hour to tape everything using a level...and about an hour to paint three coats of a soft cream paint.
The secret of painting a crisp line is to "seal" the tape using either mod podge or your base color of paint (I used the dark color and then painted over with the new cream color.) The results were excellent. The only "problem" was a small area along the left corner/wall where some of the paint came up with the tape. It took about 1 minute to touch up this morning! I also added a new bead of caulk along the shower surround. To do this, I added blue painters tape and ran a thin bead of caulk, smoothing with my wet finger. So easy!
What a difference, right? It's hard to believe I was able to do this in one evening!
I'm linking up to The Pity Party over at 30 Handmade Days
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Dani this is awesome!! I need you to come to NJ and decorate my house!