Spring Cleaning: Sewing Room

Although I know I'm jumping the gun on spring cleaning, since it is still winter and all, but I've been on an organization frenzy. Clutter is not my friend...

My sewing room ended up being the catch-all for anything craft/sewing/gift related, as well as being our guest room. It was working, sort of...the closet was out of control. Seriously, I should have taken a picture, no joke it was like a jenga puzzle about to collapse. I started by removing everything from the closet, and then piece by piece putting everything back. It's nice to know where everything is...and to know that I do not need to purchase ANY stationary any time soon.

Starting from scratch always helps me to start organizing. It's amazing what a clean canvas does...my organizing is finished for now, I just need to make a few labels...

I had already labelled my sewing room shelving...I added the green IKEA boxes recently, and still need to finish those labels, but for the most part, I can find everything and think the room has come a looong way.

Fabric storage has always been an issue for me. For a long time I stored my fabric in plastic bins, but there was just never enough space...and it was impossible to actually FIND the fabric...so usually I'd just go buy new...

I ended up using cardstock paper and folding each piece of fabric around the paper...if the fabric was too small to fit on a piece of paper, the fabric ended up in a canvas bin, sorted by color. After I folded all of my fabric (this below picture is before I added all of the fabric from the plastic bins!) I sorted the fabric by color. I swear I found fabric I haven't seen in 5 years!

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