And we're back!

Finally, my iMac has returned. It's healthy again. Thanks to a new hard drive. And hooray for the genius who was able to recover over 600,000 files. I think almost all of my 1000+ fonts are saved. As the saying goes: it's the little things...yes, I was over the moon with the thought of having my fonts back!

We did somehow end up with at LEAST 3 copies of every photo {I guess it really IS hard to get rid of files saved on your hard drive!} so I'm going to need to do some serious deleting.

I finally learned what Time Machine is, and I've started using it!

And as much as I want to say I'm going to be back daily (or almost daily) to write, I'm realistic that I'm going to be one busy lady for the time see....I've got to pack my house to move. Ugh. We're still waiting for the appraisal report to be returned to us. I'm dreading it a little. What happens if this deal falls through NOW?! I'm going to be really upset if I have to unpack these boxes without ever having moved them! {Easiest move ever?} I'll be sure to check in as soon as I can....but I feel guilty having just sat down at my computer for just the last few minutes....
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