Sometimes we just need to complain

When I say "we" I mean, I. And today I wish I had something crafty and fantastic to share but I don't. No crafting or fantastic things happened here in the last 24+ hours. Just fighting. With my dogs. Seriously.

This is what they look like this morning. All cute. Cuddled up. Snuggling with their toddler "brother." 

They are probably tired and needing to rest because of their 5am escape. More details to follow...

I love them to death. Like they are my 1st and 2nd child. But sometimes they just make me want to pull my hair out. Like yesterday, I went out for ONE hour and came home to find one of my larger "catch all" purses had been rifled through. Receipts, old shopping lists, papers, and a huge mess was spread all over the place. They'd chewed on credit cards (seriously, teething again, I already went through that!) and I didn't lose it until I saw they went through the only trash available to them: my laundry room. Lint?! Dryer Sheets? SERIOUSLY?!

We're having major growing pains. They are 7 years old. We keep coming up with possibly reasons for the possible naughtiness that we've been experiencing, but maybe they are just being BAD.

This morning Mason (the grey one) woke up and rushed downstairs at 5am. We could hear him getting sick, {probably from the bag of individually wrapped twizzlers they ate on Monday, or the lint, or the paper} my husband rushed down behind him to clean up the mess...he let them out to finish getting sick... And then, we discovered that they were both gone. At 5. AM. Ugggghhh. No fun. I guess I can count my searching as "exercise" but we live off a pretty busy road. I was worried they'd get hit by a car.  Luckily we found them both. But I'm just so annoyed with them. I honestly don't think the Dog Whisperer could help these two.

So thank you for letting me complain. Today I'm going to clean....just to go along with my great mood.
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1 comment:

  1. WHAT-A-PAIN-IN-THE-ARSSSSS!!!!! Poor Mason and Trekki. But more...Poor DANI!!! So sorry, friend. Sounds like they need to be confined more when you leave!! Girl...stick them in the bathroom...that'll teach them! We've gone back to gating off our bedroom door at night with Roxy & Rocko in with us. They had too much freedom and Rocko was pissing all over the house again. Not anymore! Your guys probably just get lonely and bored when you're out, so they just get into anything they can. I hope it gets better. It'll just get harder and harder the more your belly grows and especially when #2 arrives! Sending <3 to you!!


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