The inner artist~finger paint fun!

This past Christmas I decided it would be a great idea to get my son an art set. Yes, he's only two, but something I learned from my mother is it's never too early! She believed we should cut with scissors and use a "real" knife even at a young age (and of course under supervision!)

I'll admit I probably needed some kind of occupational therapy as a child because I have some definite tactile issues. I HATE having wet clothes on, and I especially HATE having my hands dirty...which is difficult in some forms of art...I remember in high school wearing rubber gloves when using charcoal because I hated the feel of the dust on my hands....

I digress.

So, I wasn't sure what my son would think of finger paints, luckily my husband was there too and he dove right in! My son was quick to follow. It was cute to see the boys dip their fingers into the paint and drag it along the paper....all in all, I'd say it was a success. Now if only I can find the motivation to take the paint out again....

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