We had an amazing time. I'm still in awe of my mother & father-in-law who managed to log the most hours in the parks out of our family. Our group of 9 managed to visit all of the Disney Parks (some more than once!)
I loved seeing my at Disney or maybe it was just seeing Disney through his eyes. I found myself a little emotional at silly times, my husband later confirmed that he too felt emotional and the strangest times. I'm still not sure if it was just the allure of being part of something bigger, or just the sheer amazement of Disney itself. It really was a magical time.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures (we took about 500 during the week, so I'll spare you)
Here are a few from the fireworks at Magic Kingdom:
My hubby & son riding the bus to the transportation center:
My son with his grandma taking the ferry from the transportation center to the Magic Kingdom:
My son at the Magic Kingdom Opening Ceremony (before the park opens) this is one of those moments I found myself strangely emotional. I loved seeing my son clap and show excitement over what he was seeing!
The characters coming off the train singing (LOVED IT!)
My son and husband waving to the characters at the Opening:
On our early morning, my family took a train ride around the park. It was a great way to start the day:
I REALLY wanted to get my son a hat with ears, BUT he refused to wear it. I was able to sneak a quick picture although soon after he freaked out and started crying. We never got the hat. Next time?!
Christmas decorations were coming down while we were visiting. We wish we had a Main Street picture without the decorations, but here's a decent one:
Taking a Jungle Boat ride:
Family together on It's A Small World:
This is at Epcot. My son spotted this car from across the gift shop started leaning as far as he could in his stroller and pointing. He loves this car:
My son wearing the 3D glasses for the Toy Story ride at Hollywood Studios.
Family with Mater & McQueen:
My son with Mickey at our hotel:
Our family at Epcot (sorry I did NOT edit any of these pictures, I do realize they could use some cropping!)
My son was able to get Mickey Crocs. He insisted on keeping them on when we were trying to find the right size. They were expensive, but obviously make him VERY happy!
Our family with Mickey before leaving the hotel:
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