One more baby quilt, as if I haven't made enough lately.

Yes, I've told you about the baby boom I'm in the middle of, I know.

I shared with you this quilt that I recently finished. As well as this quilt. Sadly, that's not enough for even HALF the the babies I've got coming in 2011!

One of my dearest friends (my husband fully acknowledges and accepts that SHE is my soul mate & says if something should happen to our husbands we could/should form a domestic partnership) asked if I might be able to help her come up with the perfect baby gift for her friend that delivered 6 weeks early. Of course I could squeeze in one more quilt...

This is what I put together for her:

I folded over the backing to create the mitered corners for this quilt--this is a new favorite technique for me.
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1 comment:

  1. This is so cute, Danielle. I love the fabric, and the binding complements it perfectly. And don't get me started on how cute that name circle is:)


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