Jersey Knit Bracelet: Check that off the list!

The other day I shared my obsession for these amazing Jersey Knit Bracelets over at V & Co.

I'd seen this post over at V & Co and couldn't stop thinking about it. Plus I had a HUGE pile of leftover knit fabric from making my husband's t-shirt quilt: PERFECT up-cycling for these bracelets! 

Let me just tell you, if you are not of the "craftily inclined" persuasion, this is the project for you. It was SOOOO easy. I think I'm in love. With a bracelet. Yes. It's true. 

{Friends, if you are reading this, please act surprised and excited by these when you receive one for a gift!}

In one episode of Army Wives (a tense one at that) I completed a dozen of these beauties. I was even covered in the finest little "cover" of knit-fabric-balls, and I didn't mind ONE bit-that's how much I love these simple little bracelets! 

Maybe it's the pregnancy brain, or the mommy brain, but when I attempted the 3 or 4 finger "weaving" I couldn't pull it together, so I stuck with the two finger "weave" and found it to be perfect. This finger weaving technique creates the most lovely 3 dimensional attribute (yes, you might think it just looks braided, but in reality it is NOT braided, it's like TWO braids loving up on each other.) 

Aren't they great?! (And if you're wondering why you only count 11 of these in my bowl, it's because one is on my wrist now, in all of it's glory...I never want to take it off!) 
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