So it looks like I took a fairly substantial hiatus from the blog for a while...sorry.

About a year ago I discovered that I was pregnant for the third time...unfortunately this time, pregnancy REALLY knocked me on my butt. Aside from the exhaustion, I also had fairly regular nausea the entire first trimester. By the time the second trimester rolled around, and I was able to peel myself off the sofa, I had lot of catching up to do. PLUS, we discovered we were having our first daughter! Delaney was born November 22nd. She is by far my most dramatic baby, but she really has been the most amazing blessing and we can't imagine our life without her!

I have SO MANY projects to share with you, because I was busy and I was being creative, but I just wasn't really good about sharing it here.

In the meantime while I go back through all my pictures so I can share what I've done, I'll instead just share the wonderful video put together by our birth photographer. If you are still in the season of your life where you are having babies, I strongly encourage you to have a birth photographer. Ours also happens to be a doula...it was like striking GOLD! She was fantastic, like a long lost best friend that needed to be there! So take a few minutes and enjoy the video, and I'll try to be back soon to share all of the projects I've completed!

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