Being Thirty.

I am coming to terms with being in my 30s.

My 20s were wonderful.

I finished college.
I did my fair share of partying.
I met some of my best friends in my life in my early 20s (and late teens I suppose!)
I taught amazing students and began my career as a teacher.
I met my husband.
I married my husband.
I parented two first children.
I moved to Colorado and met some amazing friends.
I moved to Northern Virginia and was thrilled to be close to family & friends.
I gave birth and became a mother.
I moved to West Virginia and started over again in a new place.
I started a blog.
I nurtured my creative side.
I learned to quilt.
And that's all just in a nutshell. I've done so much more, too.

I'm excited by the prospects of what my 30s will bring. I suppose I feel like I just turned 20, so it's hard to believe I could possibly be 30. {Where does the time go?}

So, today I am going to start my 30s enjoying life:

Snuggling with my son & nephew (my wonderful sister in law was nice enough to drive 3 hours yesterday to hand deliver Georgetown Cupcakes for my 30th birthday.) One year ago and my 29th birthday we found out she was expecting!

Enjoying a decaf cup of Starbucks coffee.
Doing some laundry.
Eating said cupcakes.
Spending time with my husband.
Eating a delicious dinner.

Being grateful for my wonderful parents who 30 years ago were welcoming a daughter to their family. And feeling insanely loved by my husband, son, extended family, and so many friends!
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