He's a funny guy:
He loves spray bottles.
He refuses to speak.
He loves the telephone!
He screams at the top of his lungs happily (for no reason.)
He loves on his puppies.
He eats his banana in one bite-well without taking it out of his mouth (it's hysterical!)
He loves to wear crocs, and would wear them 24 hours a day if he could.
Yesterday, he watched a train video for the first time. He has never had ANY interest in TV. Like any good mother, I was thrilled to be able to clean the kitchen without my helper!
He lost a croc. He really would wear them ALL the time.
This morning I was trying to pull it together to start the day and I found him like THIS. Of course, I grabbed my camera. He wanted beads that I put on the top shelf to keep away from him.
I obviously have some organizing to do in the near future:
The kid can't keep his finger out of his nose. No matter how many times I tell him....
Happy he has his beads (and two non-working cell phones!)
Figuring the phone out. I swear this kid is going to be a mechanical engineer or a cashier or a typist (or any job requiring LOTS of buttons!)
I was trying to catch up on my favorite blogs only to find him in the living room, ON THE PHONE. Oh, and did I mention he refuses to speak. {Sorry to anyone he called!}
I'm shocked he only has two phones. One of these days I'm going to apply velcro to the phone and to the wall (out of his reach) so I am not always searching for a phone.
OH, and little man got a haircut last night. The pictures from yesterday prove how long and raggedy it was looking.
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