Blogging for REAL...

I suppose since I'm trying to take my blog a little more serious and post regularly and have actual content that might attract people (other then me) to read I should try to dress this place up.

To be honest, I found a post at Craftaholics Anonymous that basically did it for me...As artistic as I have been in high school, college up until now, I hate to admit I've never really taken any real computer classes. And recently, in my daily approach to 30, I've wondered if I was somehow at the cusp of being too old to have learned how to do some things on the computer. Yes, I found html confusing, and had to guess and check a few times to make sure everything looked okay, but some how I was able to figure it out (thank you Linda!)

So what do you think of my new header and button?? And yes, you can link my button to your blog (for those of you who are savvy enough to give it a try!)
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1 comment:

  1. Danielle,
    WAY TO GO!!! Your header and button ROCK! You did a great job on them! I'm so glad you were able to use my tutorials :)
    happy crafting!


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